Friday, November 22, 2019

ASMEs New President Said Jahanmir Discusses Goals for FY19 at...

ASMEs New President Said Jahanmir Discusses Goals for FY19 at... ASMEs New President Said Jahanmir Discusses Goals for FY19 at... ASMEs New President Said Jahanmir Discusses Goals for FY19 at Presidents DinnerJune 15, 2018 Said Jahanmir, ASMEs new president, outlined his goals for his term as ASMEs 137th president during the Presidents Dinner on June 5 at the ASME Annual Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia.During his inaugural address at the ASME Annual Meeting Presidents Dinner on June 5 in Vancouver, Canada, ASMEs new President Said Jahanmir discussed his goals for his yearlong term, which include increasing the number of active members, especially early career engineers and students, and motivating staff and volunteers to develop genuine collaboration and partnerships. Cultivating an active and motivated membership base is essential to ensure the continued success of the Society and appealing to the rising generation of engineers is necessary for that to happen, Dr. Jahanmir said. We must attract and retain students and early career engineers and capture their energy, creativity and passion, he said. In order to do this, he continued, we need to have a clear value proposition that includes new programs and services. We should provide what members, and particularly younger members, need for their professional growth, for example professional development and leadership training. ASMEs immediate Past President Charla Wise passed the presidential gavel to ASME President Said Jahanmir during the Presidents Dinner.In addition, Jahanmir said, it is also imperative that we strive for increased diversity and inclusion, notlage only in ASME, but also in our profession keeping in mind that diversity is a major contributor to our success as engineers and to finding innovative solutions.On the subject of volunteer and staff collaboration, Jahanmir noted that the ASME structure and culture have always been based on a close partnership between staff and volunteers. We need to nurture this relationship and make it more seamless. Charla Wise, ASMEs immediate past president, reflected on the past year during her speech at the Presidents Dinner.As his address drew to a close, Jahanmir expressed optimism for ASMEs future. I am convinced that we have a great path for future, he said. I look forward to the opportunity of serving as your president and setting the stage for this great Society to achieve its true potential and serve humanity by improving the quality of life worldwide.Earlier in the program, ASMEs new Immediate Past President Charla Wise reflected on high points of the term over which she had just presided, including the continued implementation of ASMEs new strategy, the creation of the new Group Engagement Committee, the selection of Thomas Costabile as ASMEs new executive director, and the annahme an kindes statt of the new Integrated Operating Plan, which set budgets and targets for ASME staff and volunteers of the segments, divisio ns, councils and sections. (Left to right) ASME Executive Director Thomas Costabile, ASME President-Nominee Richard Laudenat, ASME President Said Jahanmir, and ASME immediate Past President Charla Wise at the Presidents Dinner in Vancouver. We have just begun the evolution of ASME, Wise said. A year ago, I said that my theme for this year would be Continuity, as we move forward, together. I have said it many times and continue to believe it. This is the answer to ensuring a healthy and robust organization. Thats the beauty of ASMEs strategy that the Board has been working on for several years. It brings us continuity as we look to the future. It helps us move forward toward achieving our mission by having clear goals. It brings us all together.Wise challenged the ASME members in the audience to DARE to create the future D Disseminate ASMEs technical knowledge and solutions A Advance and apply engineering knowledge for improving the quality of life R Recognize each others accom plishments and achievements and E Excite the next generation engineers. We must DARE to create the future because we are leading the charge and we have the knowledge, expertise and commitment to make this world a better place, Wise said.

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