Wednesday, December 25, 2019

6 Simple Steps for Finding Your Next Executive Position

6 Simple Steps for Finding Your Next Executive Position6 Simple Steps for Finding Your Next Executive PositionThe time has come to bid farewell to your current executive position.You did all you could, the company is in a great position, and it is best to go out on top.But you have a problem. You are not sure what executive role you want next.You are also in need of a position you find rewarding and fulfilling.We offer this advice for finding your next executive position.1. Make a list of your most attractive skills and accomplishmentsIt is great that you know how to do 100 tasks at a time while at work.Now, stop and make a list of the skills you have that companies will find the most attractive.Keep this list with you while at work For the next 30 days, keep a record of your achievements at work and note which skill was used to make it happen.Take the time to departure reviewing your accomplishments from the previous year(s).Again, note what skills were used for each accomplishment. The end result is you discovering your best skills and accomplishments for your executive resume2. Its time to start brainstormingUse Google and LinkedIn to look up ideas for your next company and position.On LinkedIn, start turning those 2nd and 3rd-degree connections into 1st-degree connections.Look up people at the companies you want to work with and start researching both the people and the companys background.An executive has to be concerned about his/her career reputationIt is best not to join a company that will not be around in a year.3. Make a list of all your favorite companys competitionOne of the most overlooked opportunities in business is working with your competition or even your enemy.Is this risky? bedrngnis necessarily. Chances are if you are an executive doing a great job at Insurance Company A, more than likely, you will be very valuable to Insurance Company B.There are laws and non-compete clauses you must contend with before working with the competition.However , knowing your competition gives you an advantage over new executives in an industry.The smarter executive knows it is just business. Get to know your competition.4. Start contacting all of your favorite companies and their competitorsUp until this point, you have several things going for youList of your skills and accomplishmentsBrainstormed list of favorite companies and the people who work thereList of competitors to your favorite companies and people who work thereNow, it is time to start contacting people. Go to LinkedIn and start messaging your connections.Target the proper people with your messages and let them know why you are writing.Avoid making these simple LinkedIn message mistakes. Be positive and engaging in comments always maintaining your executive presence.Clean up your LinkedIn profile to give it a digital executive presence, as well.5. Start making a record of the people and companies who engage with youIf you are spending all this time writing messages, do you re ally want to work with companies that never reply?When people are being responsive to your LinkedIn messages, it is a sign that they are interested in you in some way.Why chase people or companies that show no interest in you?Make a record of who engages most and stop engaging those who stay quiet on LinkedIn.6. Decide what company will eventually meet all of your needsFinally, decide what companies of interest will be able to provide what you need.Whether it be financial stability or work-life balance, make a decision based on the company that looks more willing to fight to keep you around.Once you have found the company that fulfills your needs, you are ready to make the next career move as an executive

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